Saturday, November 26, 2011

Passaionate colors from furnitures

When I went to a furniture showroom in Soho, 
I felt strong passion and it naturally connects to my passion of fashion. 
I designed several patterns to show strong colors with my feeling forward my dream.

Returning to Origin

Everything had been started from nature. I want to focus on meanng of nature and
 I want to make a connection among all of my journals. 
Even one of my inspirations, furnitures, is made of wood and orgainic fabrics. 
During several weeks, I designed patterns which are inspired by trees, flowers and snow.  

Fashion of Winter

I used patterns that I had created previous journals- snow print, 
floral and trunks of tree by changing colors to fit winter season and 
applied to pictures of three manequins whcih are in a store ‘Free People’. 

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